Looking for a gift with a limited budget of €30? Discover all our gift ideas here to keep you within your budget. From hair accessories and timeless jewelry, to interior decorations and gift cards.
I recently got the Porcelain Fruity Latte Mug with strawberries and I couldn't be happier! Not only is it a stunning mug, but the fact that it's personalized with my name adds an extra touch of charm. And the quality of the porcelain is excellent. I also like the size of the mug. It is perfect for people who like to drink a lot :)
I received my KIKI hair clips in a beautifully made packaging and was super happy to try them on! These hair clips fit perfectly and make me feel cute and original!
I have quite thick hair of my own, and have had several hair claws in the past that were not sturdy enough. Thanks to Dress to Finesse, I now have both a nice hair claw as well as one that is very sturdy. For people with thinner hair, I recommend the smaller version :)
Voor de koffie-aficionado's die kwaliteit boven kwantiteit verkiezen, is een espresso-jatje van Dress To Finesse het ultieme gereedschap. De degustatie van je favoriete lungo, doppio of ristretto wordt bovendien een totaalervaring met het bijpassende schoteltje (dat bij mij in de vaatwasser zat op het moment van de foto). Verander dat bakkie pleur in een bakkie kleur en ga voor een jatje van Dress To Finesse!
Wat een stijlvolle oorbellen! Ze passen bij zo veel kleding, ze zijn licht en heel mooi afgewerkt. Ook goed dat er 'slotjes' bij zijn om ze zeker niet te verliezen! Deze ga ik veel dragen :-)
They are very simple and elegant, which is why you can wear them with every outfit. I've been wearing them for 5 months now and never grew tired of them. A must have in your jewelry box!
I bought the Han hairclips and the Louise earrings in silver/black and I'm obsessed! The dainty/70s vibe of these earrings are a whole vibe! ♡ Will be ordering these in the peach or lavender color in the future!